ADSF Solutions
At ADSF we believe in the mantra “Build Strong, Build with Quality” and this belief has transformed us into a major provider of high quality construction industry products and services.
We provide all kinds of scaffolding and formwork solutions starting from ADLock Support and Decking Systems to Panel Shoring Systems. Here is a list of solutions provided by ADSF:

Design &
At ADSF we have a qualified team of engineers and draftsmen that can take any drawing and give a valued added innovative design. We pride ourselves to engineer our scaffolding and formwork so the client saves money whether they're hiring or buying the material by reducing material quantity.
One of the most important aspects of any scaffolding and formwork job is the site inspections and sign off. ADSF has a team of qualified engineers that visit each site daily to make sure every erection was done properly with all safety measures taken into consideration and to give the final approval before pouring concrete.

ADSF provides training and on-site support to our all our customers so they're able to erect and dismantle our equipment with the utmost confidence and efficiency. By providing training and support to the customer, they will be able to erect and dismantle our equipment in the most efficient time possible with consideration for all safety measures. In our training process, we like to first conduct the training before the job starts with onsite demonstrations and seminars so the customer and their team is fully trained and qualified before the job starts. During the job, we make frequent site trips to make sure what was taught during training is still being practiced.
If the customer decides to outsource the erection and dismantling portion of their work, ADSF offers the supervision and manpower to accommodate most jobs. With our experienced team on site, we will ensure your construction cycle is met on time.